Fourth Year

Programme of enquiry

Our units of enquiry are developed through vertical collaboration throughout First-Sixth years, based on our school's mission, values, and guiding principles. Our pupils will explore units on who we are, how the world works, where we are in place & time, how we express ourselves, how we organize ourselves, and sharing the planet.

English as our main teaching language

Our Fourth Year English as first language programme develops skills, as outlined by the Common Core State Standards, in reading, writing, listening & speaking, and language. In primary school, our reading & writing workshops are deliberately designed to enable teachers to closely monitor progress, set meaningful learning goals, and meet the needs of every child. Resources from Oxford International English are to be used to support literacy teaching.


In Fourth Year, pupils will focus intensively on these critical areas: (1) developing an understanding of numbers and algebra, including understanding that algebraic expressions represent the relationships between numbers or quantities, and to use these expressions; (2) extending their understanding of space & shapes, including parallelism, perpendicularity, parallelograms, rhombuses, trapezoids, and rectangular parallelpipeds, along with how to represent the positions of such objects; (3) extending their understanding of statistics & probability, including  gathering and organizing data according to their purposes, representing them clearly by using tables and graphs, and exploring features of data; and (4) incorporating integrated applications of the above content into our units of enquiry. Resources from My Pals are Here! and Shanghai Maths: One Lesson, One Exercise are to be used to support numeracy teaching.

Additional languages

To support pupils in streams learning either Chinese or Arabic, One World will apply an external set of curriculum standards aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Our primary school language programme will offer two options based on the pupil's language profile (English dominant, or other mother tongue [for example, Swahili] dominant). Pupils whose placement test enrols them at a mother tongue level may study their social humanities units of enquiry in their mother tongue, when necessary in an independent manner.

Social humanities

Social studies of the living environment have their content and standards embedded in our humanities units of enquiry throughout the year, as pupils learn, during how the world works, about "natural hazards and disasters"; during where we are in place & time, about "history and identity"; and during sharing the planet, about "global citizenship and action", in keeping with the British Columbia social studies curriculum.


In all grades, pupils will attend specialist lessons for science, design engineering, primary school library, visual arts, music, theatre, and physical education, as appropriate throughout the year.

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