University Programme Admission Rank System

Mr Smith was already counselling students towards the world's top universities before 2006, when Times Higher Education, then working with Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), first published its Guide to the World's Top Universities, although earlier pioneers that should be mentioned in ranking higher education institutions include the Academic Ranking of World Universities, first issued by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2003, and the Best Colleges rankings introduced by Robert Morse of the U.S. News & World Report back in 1983. The main contributors to our current table-of-tables-style rankings of global universities are linked to below.

THE World University Rankings

Academic Ranking of World Universities

Center for World University Rankings

Top Universities

We use these rankings in order to create slots for refining with regional and national rankings, which are often more useful for counselling students because they are based on more precise, reliable information. We distinguish between three-year and four-year bachelor's degree programmes, but because our students typically enter university with so many advanced placement credits (for example, our current mean student has achieved sophomore status at UCLA by the end of Gymnasial Fifth), most students can earn their bachelor's degrees within three years. We also consult, where available, rankings by subject, and prioritize the mathematical medical engineering sciences to which our default student aspires. Consulting our list of 180 choices for our graduates begins a matchmaking process between institutions, students, and programmes that dominates our Gymnasial Sixth courses: our independent college counselling is highly personalized and in depth, as we serve our highly qualified students' admissions testing and interview preparation.

Those interested in the system behind that which has inspired our proposed matchmaking should watch the demonstration on the iteration process in use in Hong Kong: our International Tertiary Admission Ranks would supply the key information to be submitted for determining merit order at around the 2:45 mark of this demo.

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